Narsi, Author at BioBiz - Page 51 of 101


Here are my thoughts, insights, perspectives, and opinions based on my work in Biomass energy consulting and research — and, of course, my personal reflections!

I’d love to hear your feedback on my blog posts or any thoughts you have about supporting the Indian climate tech sector. Feel free to reach out to me or my team here.

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Best wishes!

Narasimhan Santhanam
Director EAI.

Category :

India’s first sustainable aviation fuel Vistara flight

India bio-economy updates from BioBiz Vistara, a joint venture of Tata group and Singapore Airlines, became India’s first carrier to operate a wide-body aircraft using sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) on a long-haul route. The flight from South Carolina to Delhi was fueled with a 30 percent blend of...

AI-based e-Crop for Precision Farming Developed by CTCRI

India bio-economy updates from BioBiz The Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI), an ICAR institution, has developed e-Crop, an AI-based IoT device that provides crop-specific agro advisories to farmers through text messages. The device calculates the optimal amount of nutrients and water for crops based on weather and...

Biomass Fuel Promotion: Buyofuel and Sai Vasudev Briquettes Join Hands

India bio-economy updates from BioBiz Mrach 2023 Buyofuel, an online marketplace for green fuels, has partnered with Sai Vasudev Briquettes, a manufacturer of biomass briquettes.  The partnership will make biomass briquettes, which are eco-friendly alternatives to fossil fuels, available on Buyofuel’s platform. Buyofuel will also support the manufacturer...