Seaweed to produce Bioplastics & Biofuels - Sea6 Energy's sustainable technology. - BioBiz

The Future of Ocean Farming: Sea6 Energy’s Vision that is Transforming Seaweed into Sustainable Solutions!

  • Sea6 works on two broad areas: First, large-scale seaweed production by proprietary automation. Second, converting this seaweed into useful products that have applications across various sectors.
  • The company has developed a proprietary cultivation mechanism called the SeaCombine, which can simultaneously harvest and replant seaweed in deep ocean waters, enabling cost-competitive production at scale. 
  • The products commercialized by this firm includes bio-stimulant for agriculture. It is currently working on replacing crude oil with seaweed completely. The seaweed species chosen for energy derivation is Red tropical seaweed – of the family Rhodophyta.

Read more here.

Here are some other businesses tapping into seaweed feedstock:

According to reports, the global seaweed market was valued at around $6.5 billion in 2021, and is projected to reach $14.6 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 8.7%. Asia-Pacific (includes India) dominated the seaweed market size in 2021 and is expected to sustain its dominance throughout the seaweed market forecast period.

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