Land Pollution Archives - BioBiz

Category : Land Pollution

Pyrolysis Technology Waste Management Transforming Rural India

India bio-economy updates from BioBiz The BioTRIG system, using pyrolysis technology, could significantly benefit rural communities in India by turning organic waste into bio-oil, syngas, and biochar. Pyrolysis reduces indoor air pollution and provides cleaner energy through bio-oil and syngas. The system is projected to cut greenhouse gas...

Bio-based Packaging Technology to Combat Counterfeiting Developed by IIT-Roorkee

India bio-economy updates from BioBiz Polymer scientists at IIT-Roorkee have developed an indigenous technology to produce bio-based packaging materials that can prevent counterfeiting of products. The technology uses bagasse, an agro-waste from sugarcane, and organic acids extracted from fruits to create transparent films that display different colours under...

Bio-Nylon -How Genomatica Is Fermenting A $10 Billion Market.

Genomatica (San Diego) intends to develop enzymatic pathways for the production of the chemical building blocks hexamethylenediamine, adipic acid and caprolactam - which are essential in production of nylon. Genomatica reached a milestone that epitomizes a shift from fossil fuels to biology making nylon-6—using a...

Bio-based silk producer AM Silk secures US $ 27 million funding.

AM Silk, from Germany, the first company in the world to provide vegan silk biopolymers for industrial use, has obtained an extra US $ 27 million in Series C financing. The vegan silk is created through the process of transferring the genetic code from a...

Bio-based PET and polyesters – Origin Materials and Sustainea partner up.

Origin Materials, a company that produces carbon negative materials, and Sustainea, a company that produces bio-based Mono ethylene glycol (MEG), have launched a strategic partnership to develop 100% bio-based PET and polyesters. Using sustainable feedstocks like sugarcane and corn, Sustainea generates bio-based Mono ethylene glycol...

ENTAZIA: How FMC’s New Biofungicide Revolutionizes Crop Protection in India

Leading international agricultural sciences business FMC Corporation launches ENTAZIA bio fungicide, a novel bio fungicide for crop protection, in India. ENTAZIA bio fungicide was developed based on a proprietary strain of Bacillus subtilis. By activating the crop’s defense system against plant pathogens, ENTAZIATM bio fungicide...

Biopolymer alternative to plastic – “Traceless” secures €36.6 million funding.

Hamburg-based traceless secures €36.6 million to build first industry plant for bio-circular alternative to plastic. Traceless, which extracts natural biopolymers from agricultural industry residues to replace conventional polymers - gets €36.6 million in seed funding round. The business creates materials in the form of granules....

Seaweed to produce Bioplastics & Biofuels – Sea6 Energy’s sustainable technology.

The Future of Ocean Farming: Sea6 Energy’s Vision that is Transforming Seaweed into Sustainable Solutions! Sea6 works on two broad areas: First, large-scale seaweed production by proprietary automation. Second, converting this seaweed into useful products that have applications across various sectors. The company has developed...

10 CBG Plants: Indian State-Owned Companies Invest $72M

India bio-economy updates from BioBiz January 2024 Gail India and Trualt Bioenergy, two state-owned companies, have announced a joint venture to set up ten compressed biogas (CBG) plants in India with an investment of more than $72 million. The CBG plants will process over 600 million kg of...

Bringing Precision in Indian Farming through ‘Spray as a Service’

India bio-economy updates from BioBiz January 10, 2024 Farmers in India now use the internet for quick access to any actionable information required by them on agriculture. They use mobile applications to book digital services which provides them access to weather data, pest forecasts, and crop advisories. They...